至于西班牙广场呢又在罗马城市的另一方了。西班牙广场是游客常年来都一定会参观的地方。据说因为当初西班牙领事馆在这里建立,所以就把这里命名为西班牙广场。西班牙广场有楼上、楼下之分。楼下广场的正中央有一座很大的石雕船 (La Fontana della Barcaccia),那座船其实是一个水池,水池里的水是自然的矿泉水,所以是可以喝的。楼上的广场有一座教堂。这两个上、下广场之间是一格很长的梯级。全程一共有138个梯级。晚间的西班牙广场更热闹。
Piazza Navona is an open square in Rome. It was built as arena of competition in the 1st century. Previously it was named as Circus Agonalis, but then the name changed eventually. Today's Piazza Navona has become 'centre of arts' in Rome. You may find lots of fine art works here. Other than bargaining for painting and drawing, one could also visit Sant' Agnese in Agone which stands in the middle of Piazza Navona. In front of Sant' Agnese in Agone, there is Fontana dei Quattro Fuimi (in English it is known as Fountain of the Four River) and an Egyptian Obelisk.
Spanish Steps is another place worth visiting. The actual name of this plaza is Scalinata della Trinita dei Monti, but it is more welknown as Spanish Steps. This name was given after Spanish had their embassy resided here. This plaza is divided into 2 levels: upper level and lower level. There is a 'boat-looked' fountain called La Fontana della Barcaccia stands in the centre of lower level plaza. While on the upper level, there is a church stands on the higher ground. One will have to take 138 steps of stairway to climb from lower level to reach the upper level.

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