Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Jacket Potato

在英国的日子不像在马来西亚,一走出office, 不管朝哪一个方向都好,东南西北,到处都是咖啡店,小贩中心,很容易就可以解决午餐。而且巫印华三大民族的口味,想吃什么,就有什么。

在英国的上班族,多数都是自己带便当去上班。我每天不是吃面,就是面包,要不就是意大利面,好焖哦。。。上一回和同事去了大学附近的一间餐厅吃午餐,点了一个Jacket Potato.很好吃!回来一直念念不忘那个味道,加上番薯马铃薯是我爱吃的,很想自己再弄一个Jacket Potato 来吃。除了以下的食谱,不妨用Tuna,鸡肉,牛肉碎来弄配料也不错!

Chedal 乳酪碎..... 4 汤匙(最好能用mozzarella 乳酪)
培根........ 2 条(切片)
Button Mushroom..... 4 粒(切粒)
蒜米........ 1 汤匙
九成塔叶(干、罐装式的)..... 适量
锡纸........ 1 张
马铃薯.... 1 粒
食油........ 适量

1. 把马铃薯连皮洗净,用锡纸包起来,放到烤炉里烤(220-240摄氏)。烤之前,先把烤炉烘热5分钟。
2. 另外,热油后把蒜米、培根和Button Mushroom一起炒。
3. 把烤过的马铃薯切半,趁热时把乳酪放到马铃薯里,再把热腾腾的料放在乳酪上,好让乳酪自己溶掉,然后再撒上九成塔叶。
4. 喜欢吃乳酪的人不妨再洒上多一点乳酪。


4 tbsp shredded mozzarella cheese
2 bacon, cut into bite-sized pieces
4 button mushrooms, diced
1 tbsp chopped garlic
dried-chopped basil
1 aluminum foil
1 potato
cooking oil

1. Clean the potato skin then wrape the whole potato in aluminum foil. Pre-heat the oven for about 5 minutes. Bring wrape potato to bake in oven (with 220-240 degree celcius heat) until it is soften. Normally it will take about 45 minutes to an hour.
2. Heat the oil, stir fried garlic until it colored. Add bacon and button mushroom to stir until everything is cooked.
3. Cut baked potato into half. Place cheese and (2) in between. Sprinkle basil on top of everything.
4. You could add more shredded cheese on top if you like.

带子杂菜 *Stir Fried Mixed Vege with Scallops

瑶柱12-15 颗
椰菜花分成小花,1 小碗
小玉蜀黍斜切,1/2 小碗
西洋芹菜斜切,1 小碗
豌豆撕边1 小碗
红萝卜1/2 小条(切片)
蒜米1 汤匙
蚝油1 汤匙

a. 先把一切的菜切好洗好。
b. 煮热水,把一汤匙的食油、半汤匙的糖、少许的盐放到滚水里。再把菜放到滚水中烫一烫。只有红萝卜和椰菜花需要糖久一点,其它的稍微烫过就好。
c. 烫好后捞起来待用。

1. 鲜瑶柱腌上胡椒粉及盐。
2. 热油后先炒香蒜米,再炒瑶柱。
3. 炒菜(先下椰菜花和红萝卜)。
4. 再下蚝油,然后一支翻炒到均匀即可。如果太干想要一点菜汁,加蚝油的同时可以加少许水。


12-15 scallops
1 small bowl cut couliflower
1/2 small bowl cut baby corn
1 small bowl cut celery
1 small bowl garden pea
1/2 carrot, sliced
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 tbsp oyster sauce
cooking oil
sugar salt

Ways to pre-cook vege:
a. Get all vege cut and ready.
b. Boil water, add 1 tbsp of cooking oil, 1/2 tbsp of sugar, a little bit of salt into boiling water. Add carrot and couliflower to cook, then after 5 minutes add the other vege to boil for another 2-3 minutes.
c. Drain all vege and keep for use later.

1. Marinate scallops with pepper and salt.
2. Heat the oil, stir fried garlic until color, add scallops to stir until cooked.
3. Add carrot and couliflower to cook first, then follow by other vege.
4. Add oyster sauce, stir until everything is evenly mixed. You could add some water while adding oyster sauce to get some gravy.

番茄酱虾 *Prawn with Tomato Sauce

虾.......... 1 碗
番茄酱.. 3 汤匙
蚝油...... 1 汤匙
蒜米...... 1 汤匙
食油...... 适量
盐.......... 适量
水.......... 适量
糖.......... 1/2 汤匙

1. 虾连壳腌盐。
2. 热油后,先爆香蒜米,再炒虾。
3. 加入番茄酱和蚝油,再加糖和少许水即可。


1 bowl prawns
3 tbsp tomato sauce/ketchup
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp chopped garlic
cooking oil
1/2 tbsp sugar

1. Marinate prawns with salt.
2. Heat the oil, stir fried garlic until colored, then add prawns to stir until it is cooked.
3. Add tomato sauce/ketchup, oyster sauce, sugar and some water to stir until everything is evenly mixed.

豆瓣酱焖排骨 *Pork Ribs with Salted Soy Bean

排骨....... 1 碗
豆瓣酱... 1 大汤匙
糖........... 1 大汤匙
食油....... 适量
姜丝/姜片..... 适量
蒜米....... 1 汤匙
水........... 适量

1. 热油后,先爆香蒜米,再炒香姜丝/姜片。
2. 加入排骨炒一炒,然后用大火焖大概8-10分钟。
3. 把豆瓣酱加入,再加水炒一炒,然后再用中小火焖至排骨软化为此。通常必须煮上一个多钟,间中必须开盖起来炒一炒和加水。
4. 加糖调味即可。


1 bowl pork ribs
1 tbsp salted soy bean
1 tbsp sugar
cooking oil
ginger, shreaded
1 tbsp chopped garlic

1. Heat the oil, stir garlic and ginger for about 2 minutes.
2. Add pork rib to stir, then simmer for 8-10 minutes with medium-high heat.
3. Add salted soy bean and some water. Stir until everything is evenly mixed, turn to medium-low heat and simmer until the meat is soften. Normally it will take more than an hour for the meat to be completely cooked. Don't forget to keep on stiring it every 5 minutes. You may add water in the middle of the cooking process.
4. Add sugar to stir with other ingredients before done.

Monday, 24 December 2007


上两个月,买了一打的鸭蛋,一打一共3英镑,比起4粒3.50 英镑,真的便宜很多。也买了一包盐巴,煮了一锅的盐水,冷却后,到入一个瓷器瓶,把鸭蛋到入容器里"关闭”它们大概30天。。。哈哈!成功了!


保卫儿烤鸡腿 *Grill Chicken Tight with Bovril



全鸡腿....... 3 支
九层塔叶... 2 大汤匙
麻油........... 1 大汤匙
保卫儿....... 越多越好
蒜米........... 2 汤匙

1. 先把鸡腿洗净后,在鸡腿上用刀轻轻的割几个痕。
2. 然后腌上蒜米、保卫儿、麻油再撒上九层塔叶。腌两个钟或以上。
3. 先弄热烤炉,大概7 号热(220 摄氏)。5 分钟后把鸡腿那进去烤,烤大概20分钟就熄火。先不要把鸡腿拿出来,烤炉还热,让鸡腿再继续烤下去5-8分钟即可。


3 whole chicken tights
2 tbsp dried chopped basil
1 tbsp sesame oil
bovril (as much as possible)
2 tbsp chopped garlic

1. After cleaning chicken tights, cut a few lines on the chicken.
2. Marinate chicken tights with garlic, bovril, sesame oil and sprinkle dried chopped basil on top. It will be best to marinate chicken tights for at least 2 hours or more.
3. Pr-heat the oven (around 220 degree celsius) for about 5 minutes. Put marinated chicken on tray and bring to grill for 20 minutes. Switch off the and leave the chicken in oven for another 5-8 minutes.

香煎三文鱼 *Fried Salmon


英国卖的三文鱼是每一百克卖3.98英镑,至从电油起价后,三文鱼的价钱也跟着起了。我不爱shashimi,但我爱煎的三文鱼。三文鱼的鱼皮含有高量的Omega, 最适合我这种高固醇的人了。很可惜,我家老板并不是很爱吃这鱼。。。

蒜米....... 2 汤匙
九层塔叶(干、碎的)...... 1 大汤匙
海盐....... 适量
食油....... 1 茶匙
三文鱼... 1 片
胡椒粉... 适量

1. 把蒜米、胡椒粉、九层塔叶和海盐抹在鱼片上。
2. 最好使用non-stick 锅。热油后,就把鱼放到锅里煎。
3. 煎熟了就赶快起锅。


2 tbsp chopped garlic
1 tbsp basil (dried chopped basil)
sea salt
1 teasp cooking oil
1 piece salmon

1. Marinate salmon with garlic, pepper, basil and salt.
2. Heat the oil with non-stick pan. Once oil is heated, fried salmon until cooked.

铁板式日本豆腐 *Minced Pork with Japanese Toufu

日本蛋豆腐.... 2 条
猪肉碎...... 1/2 碗
蚝油.......... 1 大汤匙
酱油.......... 1/2 汤匙
蒜米.......... 1 汤匙
香菇.......... 3 朵(切薄片)
食油.......... 适量
粟粉.......... 适量
糖.............. 少许
胡椒粉...... 适量
水.............. 适量

1. 猪肉碎腌少许酱油、胡椒粉和粟粉。
2. 先把豆腐从袋中取出,然后切片。
3. 在锅里放大量的食油,烧热了后把豆腐放到锅里炸至黄金色便捞起待用。
4. 把刚用的油倒了,然后剩一点点在锅底。先把蒜米炒香,再把猪肉加入一起炒。
5. 加入蚝油再加入一点点水,也可以加少许糖调味。
6. 汤汁弄好了,把豆腐倒入锅内翻一翻就可以了。


2 Japanese toufu with egg
1/2 bowl minced pork
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 soy sauce
1 tbsp chopped garlic
3 Chinese mushroom, sliced into thin slices
cooking oil
corn flour

1. Marinate minced pork with a little bit of soy sauce, pepper and corn flour.
2. Remove toufu from packaging and cut it into slices.
3. Heat wok with lots of cooking oil, deep fried toufu until the color turns gold. Drain it and prepare for use later.
4. For gravy, leave 2 tbsp of oil in wok. Stir garlic until colored and add pork to stir until it is cooked.
5. Add oyster sauce and a little of water. Also add a little bit of sugar to add flavour.
6. Once the gravy is done, add fried toufu to wok to stir with gravy until all are evenly mixed.

咸鱼花腩煲 *Claypot Pork Belly with Salted Fish

五花肉...... 1 碗(切片)
辣椒干...... 5-6 条(去籽)
梅香咸鱼.. 1 片
大葱.......... 1 粒(切片)
蚝油.......... 1 汤匙
晒油.......... 1 汤匙
姜.............. 1 块(切薄片)
蒜米.......... 1 汤匙
食油.......... 适量
粟粉.......... 1/2 茶匙
糖.............. 少许
胡椒粉...... 适量
盐巴.......... 少许

1. 猪肉片腌胡椒粉、少量的盐巴和粟粉。
2. 油热后先炸咸鱼。炸后,捞起待用。
3. 用来炸咸鱼的热油留少许,先爆香蒜米,再爆姜片,然后爆辣椒干。
4. 把猪肉倒入锅中和其他材料一起炒。
5. 炒至猪肉熟后,先加大葱再加蚝油和晒油。把刚煎过的咸鱼也加入一起炒。
6. 依个人口味可再加以调味(糖或盐)。


1 bowl sliced pork belly
5-6 seedless dried chilli
1 piece salted mackarel fish in oil
1 onion, cut quaterly
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp caremel sauce/dark soy sauce
1 palm-sized ginger, cut into thin slices
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
cooking oil
1/2 teasp corn flour

1. Marinate pork with pepper, a little bit of salt and corn flour.
2. Heat the oil and fried salted fish until cooked. Keep for use later.
3. Leave 2 tbsp of oil from (2), stir garlic, then follow by ginger and dried chilli.
4. Add pork belly to stir until cooked.
5. Add onion, oyster sauce and caremel sauce/dark soy sauce. Also add fried salted fish. Crush fried salted fish into smaller pieces and stir until it is evenly mixed with pork.
6. You could add more salt and some sugar to add flavour.

红烧肉 *Red-Braised Pork

五花肉...... 2 条
桂皮.......... 1 支大概3寸长的 (如果使用粉状的就用1 汤匙)
五香粉...... 1 茶匙
八角.......... 3-4 粒
蜜糖.......... 2 汤匙
蒜头.......... 1 大粒 (拨开一瓣瓣)
蚝油.......... 1 汤匙
酱油.......... 1 汤匙
麻油.......... 1 汤匙
黑酱油...... 1 汤匙
水.............. 1 碗
鸡精粉...... 适量
食油.......... 适量

1. 热锅后,加入1 汤匙的油。先炒香蒜头、八角、桂皮和五香粉爆炒一下。
2. 加水、蚝油、黑酱油、麻油、酱油和少许鸡精粉。稍微炒允后,加入五花肉条,然后开中火慢慢的把猪肉煮熟。最好可以不时的反动一下五花肉,这样猪肉的双面才会沾到香料。
3. 当水份收汁后,转小火。一手加入蜜糖,一手要不停的反动猪肉,这样蜜糖才不会烧焦粘锅底。
4. 取出等稍微冷却后,开始切片。可以把锅底剩下的汤汁淋在猪肉片上。


2 slices pork belly
1 3inches long cinnamon/ 1 tbsp cinnamon powder
1 teasp Chinese 5 spices powder
3-4 star anise
2 tbsp honey
1 whole garlic, separate into cloves
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp caramel sauce/dark soy sauce
1 small bowl water
chicken stock
cooking oil

1. Heat the wok with 1 tbsp of cooking oil, stir star anise, cinnamon, Chinese 5 spices powder and garlic for about 2 minutes.
2. Add water, oyster sauce, caramel sauce/dark soy sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil and a little bit of chicken stock. Stir until everything is evenly mixed, then add pork belly to cook with medium heat. Keep stiring the pork in every 5-8 minutes to make sure both sides of pork belly are immersed in the gravy.
3. Once gravy is reducing to 70-80% (or thickening), switch to medium-low heat. Add honey and keep on stiring to avoid honey from sticking on the wok.
4. Slice pork belly into thin-slices and pour all the left-over gravy on top before served.

春卷 *Pork Spring Roll

五花肉碎..... 1 大碗, 可以用鸡肉代替
马蹄............. 8-10粒(切粒 )
红萝卜......... 1 条(切粒)
鸡蛋............. 1 粒
大葱............. 1 粒 (切粒)
腐皮............. 1 大张
五香粉......... 1/2 茶匙
盐................. 适量
食油............. 大量

1. 猪肉碎腌盐及五香粉。
2. 再把切粒的红萝卜、马蹄及大葱一起加入猪肉碎里搅允。
3. 在搅肉里打一粒蛋。
4. 把腐皮切四方(像薄饼一样),然后把搅肉放到腐皮里包起来。
5. 包好后,拿肉条去蒸大概5-8分钟,把肉蒸熟为此。
6. 蒸好后去肉条上面的水份,再把肉条拿去大量的热油里炸至今黄色。
7. 待肉条冷却后,开始斜切成大概2寸厚的肉片即可。


1 big bowl minced pork belly, could replace with chicken
8-10 water chestnut, diced finely
1 carrot, diced finely
1 chicken egg
1 onion, diced finely
1 sheet bean curd sheets
1/2 teasp Chinese 5 spices powder
cooking oil

1. Marinate pork with Chinese 5 spices powder and salt.
2. Add diced carrot, onion and water chestnut to (1) and mix until even.
3. Break an egg and stir in in a bowl, then add to (2) and mix evenly.
4. Cut bean curd sheet into a smaller-square sheets, about the size of a spring roll wrape. Put (3) on the bean curd sheet and wrape it.
5. Bring to steam with medium-high heat for about 5-8 minutes, until pork is cooked.
6. Make sure steamed pork roll is dried before deep frying. Deep fry pork roll with medium-high heat until the wrape turns golden in color.
7. Sliced spring roll about 2 inches in width before served.

带子烩白菜 *Chinese Cabbage with Scallops

蒜米..... 1 汤匙
带子..... 10-12 粒
白菜..... 4 大片(切成小片)
蛋......... 1 粒
食油..... 适量
盐......... 适量
鸡精粉.. 适量
粟粉...... 适量
水.......... 适量

1. 带子腌盐。
2. 热油后,先爆香蒜米,然后炒带子,再炒白菜。
3. 加入一点水,烩白菜一会儿。
4. 加入一粒打散的蛋。加蛋时火要大,先让蛋稍微煮凝结了,再来一直翻弄白菜。翻弄至汤汁变蛋花。
5. 加鸡精粉调味即可。
6. 把粟粉加入少量水中,再加入锅中一直翻至均匀即可。


1 tbsp chopped garlic
10-12 scallops
4 leafs of Chinese cabbage, cut into smaller pieces
1 chicken egg
cooking oil
chicken stock
corn flour

1. Marinate scallop with salt.
2. Heat the oil, stir fried garlic then follow by scallop. Add Chinese cabbage to cook together.
3. Add some water, cook Chinese cabbage until soften.
4. Breaks egg in a bowl and stir. Cook (3) with high heat, then pour stired egg into wok. When egg is 70% cooked, stir constantly.
5. Add chicken stock to add flavor.
6. Mix corn flour with a bit of water, then add to (5) and stir evenly.

东炎鸡 *Tom Yam Chicken

Tom Yam is a Thai cruisine that is also welknown among Malaysians. Its spicy and sour taste is able to increase appetite, especially to those who are living in hot and humid countries such like Malaysia and Thailand.

小番茄...... 4-5 粒(切半)
大葱.......... 1 粒(切片)
蒜米.......... 1 汤匙
葱泥.......... 1 汤匙
东炎酱...... 1 汤匙
红萝卜...... 1/2 条(切片)
鸡腿肉...... 1 碗(去大骨)
食油.......... 适量
盐.............. 适量
胡椒粉...... 适量

1. 鸡腿腌盐和胡椒粉。
2. 热油后,先爆香蒜米,再爆香葱泥,然后加入东炎酱 一起炒大概2 分钟。
3. 把鸡腿加入锅里一起炒至鸡肉表面熟。
4. 加入红萝卜(红萝卜先用热水煮熟)、大葱、番茄煮至鸡肉熟。
5. 可以在加入一些盐调味。


4-5 mini sized tomato, cut into half
1 onion, sliced
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 tbsp chopped shallot
1 tbsp tom yam paste
1/2 carrot, sliced
1 bowl boneless chicken tight, cut into bite-sized pieces
cooking oil

1. Marinate chicken tight with pepper and salt.
2. Heat the oil, stir fried garlic until colored, then add shallot to stir fried with garlic. Add tom yam paste to stir for about 2 minutes.
3. Add chicken to stir with (2) until the surface of chicken is cooked.
4. Add carrot (boil carrot in hot water before used), onion and tomato to cook until chicken is completely cooked.
5. Add a little bit of salt to add flavor.

梅菜猪肉 *Pork with Salted MuiChoy

花肉...... 2 条(切块)
甜梅菜.. 1 包(200克)
蒜头...... 1 大粒(去皮,打爆)
水.......... 适量
八角...... 2-3 颗
食油...... 适量
糖/椰糖.. 适量
晒油........ 1 汤匙

1. 梅菜一定要洗很多次,这样才会洗干净,而且不会太咸。但又不可浸太久,梅菜的原汁原味会流失。洗净后,切成2公分长。
2. 热锅后,先把蒜头炒香,然后把花肉放到锅里和蒜头炒一炒。
3. 加水、黑酱油、八角和梅菜入锅,焖至花肉软化。
4. 可以加糖调味。


2 pork belly, diced
200g sweet salted MuiChoy
1 whole garlic, skinned and crushed
2-3 three star anise
cooking oil
sugar/coconut sugar
1 tbsp caremel sauce/dark soy sauce

1. Wash salted MuiChoy with running water several times to remove dirt and sand. Immerse salted MuiChoy in water to reduce saltiness. Cut salted MuiChoy into 2cm in lenght.
2. Heat the pot with some cooking oil, stir garlic until colored, add pork belly to stir.
3. Add water, caremel sauce/dark soy sauce, three star anise and salted MuiChoy and simmer until prok belly is soften.
4. Add some sugar to add flavour.

酸甜芝麻香 * Fried Chicken Wings with Sesame Seeds

鸡翅膀...... 7-8 支(切成两载)
鱿鱼露...... 1 汤匙
蒜米.......... 3 汤匙
芝麻.......... 4 汤匙
蜜糖.......... 1 大汤匙
酸梅酱...... 2 大汤匙
面粉/炸粉/木薯粉..... 适量
食油.......... 大量

1. 用蒜米和鱿鱼露腌鸡翅膀,最好能腌过夜。
2. 第二天,用干的热锅炒香芝麻备用。
3. 先热油,鸡翅膀未放入热油之前,先沾上粉(干沾)。
4. 把鸡翅膀炸至金黄色,捞起备用。
5. 留一些油在锅底,加入酸梅酱、少量鱿鱼露和蜜糖。
6. 酱汁调均匀后,熄火。把鸡翅膀倒到锅里一直翻炒,翻至每一支鸡翅膀都沾上了酸梅蜜汁,再撒上芝麻即可。


7-8 whole chicken wings, cut into half
1 tbsp squid sauce
3 tbsp finely chopped garlic
4 tbsp sesame seeds
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp plum sauce
tempura powder/flour/tapioca flour
cooking oil

1. Marinate chicken wing over night with garlic and squid sauce.
2. On the second day, heat the wok without oil, stir fried sesame seed until it turns a bit brownish.
3. Heat the wok with lots of cooking oil, coated chicken wing with tempura powder/flour.
4. Deep fried chicken wing until it turns gold in color.
5. Heat the wok again with 1 tbsp of cooking oil, add plum sauce, a little bit of squid sauce and honey. Stir until even.
6. Off the gas, add fried chicken wing to wok and stir in (5). Sprinkle sesame seeds on done chicken wing.

咸菜豆腐汤 *Salted Vege with Toufu Soup

排骨...... 适量
豆腐...... 1 包(切方块)
咸菜...... 1 包(200克)
胡椒粉.. 适量
盐.......... 适量

1. 煮烧水,先把排骨给烫过。
2. 再煮另一锅水,先焖排骨20分钟,加入咸菜再焖至排骨软化为止。
3. 豆腐是等汤水要熬好才加入煮一会。
4. 加少许盐调味即可。


pork ribs
1 block of toufu/bean curd
200g salted vege

1. Boil hot water, pour on pork rib to stop bone marrow from leaking.
2. Boil another pot of water, simmer pork rib with medium-high heat for 20 minutes. Add salted vege to cook until pork rib is soften.
3. Add toufu/bean curd to cook for a while.
4. Add salt to add flavor.

双味炸肉 *Two Flavors Fried Pork

花肉...... 2 条
海鲜酱.. 1 汤匙
蒜米...... 1 汤匙
盐.......... 适量
胡椒粉.. 适量
糖.......... 适量

1. 花肉腌盐、蒜米和胡椒粉。
2. 热油后,炸花肉。
3. 炸好后花肉起锅,然后切片。
4. 再下适量的油,爆香蒜米,加入海鲜酱及一点水,把一半的花肉放到海鲜酱里翻两翻即可。


2 pork belly
1 tbsp sweet Hoisin sauce
2 tbsp finely chopped garlic

1. Marinate pork belly with salt, 1 tbsp garlic and pepper.
2. Heat the oil, deep fried pork belly until it is cooked.
3. Cut cooked pork belly into thin slices.
4. Heat the wok agin with 1-2 tbsp of cooking oil, stir garlic until it is colored. Add sweet Hoisin sauce and a little bit of water, then add 1/2 of the sliced pork belly into the gravy. Stir until even. You will have 1/2 white and 1/2 in sauce fried pork belly.

改篇客家炸肉 *Hakka Dishes (modified version)

通常客家炸肉都是用炸过的猪肉,然后与其它食料一起焖煮至猪肉软化。这一道自家改篇的客家炸肉采用了鸡肉,也没必要把鸡肉炸过。巴客家炸肉改了,为了不想吃那么多猪肉、不想油炸、也不想浪费gas 焖那么久。。。呵呵呵。。。

Surposingly this Hakka Dish should use pork in stead of chicken. The original Hakka Dish is to simmer deep fried pork with all the ingredients. Chili bean curd is the main ingredients that is needed in this dish. However, I have modified the original dish and personalized it according to what i like: I don't want to have too much pork and I don't want to eat too much deep fried food....

鸡肉1/2 只(去骨会更好)
腐竹2 支
香菇4-5 朵
黑木耳1/2 碗
葱菜2 棵
腐乳4 颗
蒜米2 汤匙

1. 鸡肉切块备用。
2. 腐竹切断成节,然后用热油炸至爽脆。油一定要够多够热,也要一直翻豆枝,要不很快会变焦。
3. 香菇先浸热水至软化,然后洗干净、去香菇脚,再切半备用。
4. 黑木耳先浸水至发大、软化。去木耳上的硬块,然后洗净备用。
5. 葱菜切粒被备用。
6. 豆干切半,备用。

1. 热油后先炒香蒜米,在加入鸡肉一起炒。加入适量的水,再把其余的食料放到锅里一起焖。
2. 10分钟后加入腐乳,把腐乳压散。
3. 一直用慢火焖至黑木耳软化为此。加入适量盐(不用加也可以,这要看你用的腐乳是否够咸够味),最后放入葱菜,立刻把锅盖盖起来,熄火。


1/2 chicken (best to be boneless), cut into bite-sized pieces
2 bean curd stick, cut into 4-5 inches in lenght
4-5 Chinese mushroom
1/2 bowl black fungus
2 spring onion, chopped
4 chili bean curd
2 tbsp chopped garlic
dried bean curd, sliced

1. Immerse mushroom in hot water until soften. Clean the mushroom and remove mushroom stem and cut each mushroom into half.
2. Immerse black fungus in water until it is expended and soften. Remove the hard part and clean it.
3. Heat the oil, deep fried bean curd stick until it is crispy. Drain it and ready for used.

1. Heat the oil, stir fried garlic until it is colored then follow by adding chicken to stir. Add water and all other ingredients to the pot to simmer for 10 minutes.
2. Add chili bean curd and crush it in the pot.
3. Simmer all the ingredients with medium-low heat until black fungus is soften. You could add some salt for flavor (reminder: chili bean curd is salty, try the gravy before adding salt into your cooking). Add chopped spring onion and off the gas immediately.

虾炒蛋 *Fried Eggs with Prawns

虾.......... 1/2 碗(去壳)
蛋.......... 3 粒
食油...... 适量
酱油...... 适量
盐.......... 适量
胡椒粉.. 适量

1. 虾腌盐。
2. 蛋打散后,加入酱油和胡椒粉。
3. 热油后,先稍微把虾炒一下,把虾从锅里捞起,然后加入蛋里,再把虾连蛋一起倒入锅内煎至熟。


1/2 bowl shelless prawns
3 chicken eggs
cooking oil
soy sauce

1. Marinate prawns with salt.
2. Break eggs in a bolw, add pepper and soy sauce, stir until even.
3. Heat the wok and the oil, cook prawns until it turns pink. Remove prawns from wok and add prawns in (2). Pour the mixture to wok and fried until egg is cooked.

炒黄瓜 *Stir Fried Cucumber


黄瓜...... 1 条
蒜米...... 1 汤匙
江鱼仔.. 1/2 碗
食油...... 适量
盐.......... 适量

1. 黄瓜去皮,切薄片。
2. 热锅后,先稍微炒香江鱼仔,后爆香蒜米。
3. 把黄瓜加入一起炒2-3 分钟即可。


1 cucumber, skinned and sliced
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
1/2 bowl anjovis
cooking oil

1. Heat the wok and the oil, fried anjovis until it turns abit brownish.
2. Add garlic to stir fried with anjovis, until garlic is colored.
3. Add cucumber to stir fried for 2-3 minutes.

香鱼茄子 *Aubergine with Fried Anchovis

茄子...... 1/2 条
灯笼椒.. 1/4 粒
江鱼仔.. 1/2 碗
麻油...... 1 汤匙
食油...... 适量
盐.......... 适量
蚝油...... 1 汤匙
清水...... 适量

1. 茄子去皮,茄肉切条状、腌盐。
2. 灯笼椒也切条状。

1. 江鱼仔洗干净后,热油然后爆香至金黄色。
2. 再下少些油炸茄子。油一定要热,炸至茄子软化后即可。茄子从油锅里捞起备用。
3. 同样的把灯笼椒稍微用少油炒过一下。灯笼椒从油锅里捞起备用。
4. 再次热锅,加入蚝油、稍许清水和麻油,把炸过的灯笼椒倒入锅内翻两翻,然后把灯笼椒及汁淋在炸过的茄子上,再把刚炸过的江鱼仔洒在上面即可。


1/2 aubergine
1/4 capsicum
1/2 bowl anchovis
1 tbsp sesame oil
cooking oil
1 tbsp oyster sauce

1. Skinned aubergine, cut into long slinder-shaped, marinate with salt.
2. Cut capsicum into long slinder-shaped.

1. Deep fried anchovis until it turns gold in color.
2. Heat the wok again with a little bit of cooking oil, fried aubergine until soften.
3. Heat the wok again with a little bit of oil, stir capsicum with medium-high heat for 1 minute.
4. Heat the wok again with oyster sauce, water and sesame oil. Stir until even. Add capsicum to stir for 2 minutes, then pour capsicum and gravy on aubergine. Sprinkle fried anchovis on top before served.

玉粟蜀汤 *Corn Soup

玉粟蜀........ 1 条(切节)
葱菜............ 1 棵(切粒)
红萝卜........ 1 条(切粒)
大葱............ 1/2 粒(切片)
瘦肉/排骨.. 适量
胡椒粉........ 适量
盐................ 适量
鸡精粉........ 适量
清水............ 适量

1. 猪肉腌上胡椒粉及盐。
2. 煮了开水后,先煮玉粟蜀和红萝卜。
3. 玉粟蜀和红萝卜软化后,把猪肉放到锅里煮。如果是采用排骨,就得先用热水烫过排骨,再把排骨放到热水里用大火煲大概半个钟,再把玉粟蜀和红萝卜加入一起煲至排骨和红萝卜软化。
4. 加上适量的盐和鸡精粉调味,熄火。上桌前洒入一些葱菜和胡椒粉即可。


1 sweet corn, cut into 3 or 4
1 spring onion, chopped
1 carrot, cut into bite-sized pieces
1 onion, cut into bite-sized pieces
pork tenderloin/pork ribs
chicken stock

1. Marinate pork with pepper and salt.
2. Boil water, cook sweet corn and carrot first.
3. Once sweet corn and carrot are soften, add sliced pork tenderloin to cook. If you choose to cook with pork ribs, firstly pour hot water on pork ribs to stop bone marrow from leaking. Then add pork ribs in boiling water to cook with medium-high temperature for about 30 minutes. Add carrot and sweet corn to simmer until carrot and pork ribs are soften.
4. Add salt and a little bit of chicken stock to add flavor. Sprinkle some chopped spring onion and pepper on top before served.

糖醋鸡 *Sweet & Sour Chicken

鸡肉........ 1/2 只(切块)
冰糖........ 适量 (可用白糖代替)
黑醋........ 2 汤匙
晒油........ 1 汤匙
姜容........ 1 汤匙
食油........ 适量
红萝卜.... 适量(切粒)
灯笼椒.... 适量(切粒)
粟粉........ 适量
胡椒粉.... 适量
盐............ 适量
葱菜........ 1棵(切粒)
清水........ 适量

1. 鸡块腌盐和胡椒粉。
2. 煮一小锅水,加一汤匙油、1/3汤匙盐和一汤匙糖,把切好的红萝卜和灯笼椒拿去烫煮一会儿,然后捞起备用。

1. 先热油,炸鸡,炸熟后捞起待用。
2. 锅底留点油,把冰糖炒焦。
3. 加上醋、清水和晒油,后再加上姜片煮一会儿。
4. 把鸡块倒入锅中浸汤汁,一直煮到收汁。可加上一点粟粉做勾芡。
5. 最后把烫过的红萝卜和灯笼椒放到锅里翻两翻。上锅后在鸡块上加一些葱菜点辍即可。


1/2 chicken, diced
rock sugar (can replace with ordinary sugar)
2 tbsp black vineger
1 tbsp caremel sauce/dark soy sauce
1 tbsp finely chopped ginger
cooking oil
carrot, diced
capsicum, diced
corn flour
1 spring onion, chopped

1. Marinate chicken with pepper and salt.
2. Boil water, add 1 tbsp of oil, 1 tbsp of sugar and 1/3 tbsp of salt. Cook diced carrot and diced capsicum until soften. Drain it and keep for use later.

1. Heat the wok and oil, deep fried chicken until it is cooked.
2. Keep about 2 tbsp of used oil in wok, cook rock sugar until it turns brownish.
3. Add vineger, water, caremel sauce/dark soy sauce and ginger to cook for about 4-5 minutes.
4. Add (1) and stir until sauce is thickening. You could add corn flour to make the sauce thickening. (Do not add corn flour directly to the wok, stir corn flour with a little bit water until everything is evenly mixed, then only pour it into the wok to cook with the other ingrredients).
5. Add cooked carrot and capsicum to stir with chicken and the sweet and sour sauce. Sprinkle some chopped spring onion on top before served.

宫保鸡 *Gong Pou Chicken

鸡肉....... 1/4 只(切块)
干辣椒... 3-4 条(切段)
蚝油....... 2 汤匙
大葱....... 1 粒(切片)
食油....... 适量
蒜米....... 1 汤匙
胡椒粉... 适量
盐........... 适量

1. 鸡肉腌胡椒粉、1 汤匙蚝油和少许盐。最好腌一小时或以上。
2. 热锅后先炒辣椒干,然后爆蒜米,再炒鸡肉。
3. 鸡肉焖一会儿,再加上1 汤匙的蚝油调味。鸡肉翻两下,再焖。
4. 鸡肉焖熟后,加上大葱焖熟即可。


1/4 chicken, cut into bite-sized pieces
3-4 dried chilli, cut into bite-sized pieces
2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 onion, sliced
cooking oil
1 tbsp chopped garlic
pepper salt

1. Marinate chicken with pepper, 1 tbsp of oyster sauce and a little bit of salt for at least an hour or more.
2. Heat the wok and oil, fried dried chilli, then follow by garlic. Add chicken to stir.
3. Simmer chicken for about 10 minutes, add another tbsp of oyster sauce. Stir until even, then simmer until chciken is cooked.
4. Once chicken is cooked, add onion and heat onion until soften and cooked.

炒芽菜 *Stir Fried Bean Sprout

芽菜........... 1 大把(去尾)
梅香咸鱼... 1 片(切粒)
葱菜........... 1 颗(切大概2 寸长)
小红辣椒... 1 条(切粒)
麻油........... 1 汤匙
食油........... 适量
蒜米........... 1 汤匙

1. 热油后,先煎香梅香咸鱼,然后备用。
2. 留下少许油,爆香蒜米,然后再加入咸鱼、葱菜及辣椒一起炒。
3. 再加入芽菜炒一会。
4. 上锅前加入麻油翻一翻即可。


bean sprout, remove the end part
1 salted mackerel fish in oil, diced
1 spring onion, cut into 2 inches in length
1 chilli, diced
1 tbsp sesame oil
cooking oil
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic

1. Heat the wok and oil, fried salted fish until colored.
2. Reused some of the oil, stir garlic until colored. Add (1), spring onion and chilli to stir until evenly mixed.
3. Add bean sprout to stir for 3 minutes.
4. Add sesame oil to stir for another 30 seconds.

肉骨茶 *Bak Kut Teh (Chinese Herbal Soup)

Best served with garlic-chilli and vege.

排骨............... 1 大腕
瘦肉............... 1 大腕
蒜头............... 2 粒(不用去皮也可以)
当归片........... 4-5 片
八角............... 2-3 粒
玉竹............... 1/2 碗
蚝油............... 2 汤匙
酱油............... 2 汤匙
晒油............... 1 汤匙
胡椒粉........... 适量
A1肉骨茶..... 1 包(里都有两包,用一包就好)
清水............... 大量
盐................... 适量
白菜............... 适量
豆干............... 适量
金针菇........... 1 包

1. 先用热水烫排骨,把骨髓烫熟,这样才不会把汤弄到有骨髓渣。
2. 瘦肉切粒,腌盐及胡椒粉。
3. 当归、蒜头、玉竹和八角洗净,备用。
4. 白菜洗净后切段,豆干切条状,金针菇去脚、浸水。全备用。

1. 煮开水,开水滚后加入排骨、瘦肉、当归、玉竹、蒜头、八角和A1肉骨茶包。从大火转至中火,煮至排骨肉和瘦肉软化为止。
2. 加入蚝油、酱油、晒油调味及调汤色。
3. 上锅前熄火,然后加豆干、包菜和金针菇入锅,上盖焖一焖熟就行了。
4. 加入少量胡椒粉即可。


1 bowl pork ribs
1 bowl pork tendeloin
2 whole garlic (can cook with or without skin)
4-5 slices Chinese herbs Dong Gui
2-3 3 star anise
1/2 bowl Chinese herbs Yuzhu
2 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp caremel sauce/dark soy sauce
1 small bag A1 Bak Kut Teh
Chinese cabbage, cut into bite-sized
bean curd, sliced
1 packet Enoki mushroom

1. Pour hot water on pork ribs to stop bone marrow from leaking.
2. Diced pork tenderloin, marinate with pepper and salt.
3. Remove the bottom part of Enoki mushroom, immerse in cold water for use.

1. Boil water, add pork ribs, pork tenderloin, Dong Gui, Yuzhu, garlic, 3 star anise and A1 Bak Kut Teh herbal bag to cook until pork is soften.
2. Add oyster sauce, soy sauce and caremel sauce/dark soy sauce for flavor.
3. Off the gas, add bean curd, Chinese cabbage and Enoki mushroom, then close the pot for about 3-5 minutes to make sure all the ingredients are heated and cooked.
4. Add some pepper before served.

清蒸鱼片 *Steam Fish Fillet

红番茄.... 1 粒
香菇........ 6-8 朵
蒜米........ 1 汤匙
姜............ 1 块
鱼片........ 2 大片
绍兴酒.... 1 汤匙
酱油........ 1 茶匙
胡椒粉.... 适量
食油........ 适量

1. 番茄切片。
2. 鱼片切短。一片可切成3-4节。
3. 姜切丝。
4. 香菇浸热水至软化。洗净后切片。

1. 鱼片腌上盐和胡椒粉,然后再把鱼片摆在碗中。
2. 把红番茄摆在盘的周围。
3. 热油后,爆香姜丝和蒜米。
4. 把姜丝和蒜米洒在鱼片上,把一些刚才爆香姜和蒜米的油也放进去。
5. 把香菇放在鱼片上。
6. 再把酱油和少许的清水搅匀,然后加入蒸碗里。
7. 把鱼拿去蒸10~15分钟,蒸好后加上绍兴酒即可。


1 tomato, sliced
6-8 Chinese mushroom
1 tbsp chopped garlic
ginger, shreded
2 fish fillets, cut into smaller pieces (each fillet could cut into 3-4 smaller pieces)
1 tbsp rice wine
1 teasp soy sauce
cooking oil

1. Immerse mushroom in hot water until soften, clean it and cut into slices.
2. Marinate fish fillet with salt and pepper, place in a soup bowl.
3. Place tomato around the bowl.
4. Heat the wok and oil, fried garlic and ginger until colored. Drain from cooking oil and place it on fish fillet. Add a little bit of oil from wok to the fillet.
5. Place mushroom on fish fillet.
6. Add a little bit of water to soy sauce, mix until even and pour on fillet.
7. Bring the fillet to steam for around 10-15 minutes. Immediate add rice wine to fish fillet after it is taken out from the steam wok.

炒黑木耳 *Stir Fried Black Fungus

黑木耳... 1 碗(小片、双面黑的那种)
蛋........... 1 粒
蒜米....... 1 汤匙
食油....... 适量

1. 黑木耳浸水,等它发大软化后,去硬块,洗净。
2. 蛋打花,加少许盐。
3. 热油后先把蒜米炒香,然后炒黑木耳。
4. 炒熟黑木耳后,加盐调味。
5. 一边炒黑木耳,一边把蛋花倒入锅里一起炒即可。


1 bowl black fungus (double-sided are in black)
1 chicken egg
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
cooking oil

1. Immerse black fungus in water until it expends. Remove the harden part and clean it.
2. Stir egg and add a little bit of salt.
3. Heat the wok and oil, stir garlic until it colored, then add black fungus to stir.
4. Once black fungus is cooked, add salt for flavor.
5. Keep on stiring and pouring egg into the wok.

黑木耳黑胡椒汤 *Black Fungus with Black Pepper Soup

黑木耳......... 1 碗(小片、双面黑的那种)
鸡蛋............. 1 粒
瘦肉/排骨... 适量
盐................. 适量
黑胡椒粒..... 适量
蜀粉............. 适量

1. 黑木耳浸水,等它发大软化后,去硬块,洗净。
2. 蛋打花,加入少许盐。
3. 猪肉切片,腌胡椒粉、盐和蜀粉。如果使用排骨,只需要腌盐和胡椒粉。
4. 水煮滚后,先煲黑木耳至软化。过后再加入猪肉和打碎的胡椒粒。如果是使用排骨,先把排骨焖软,再把黑木耳加入焖至软化。
5. 加盐调味。
6. 开大火至汤水滚开。一边搅汤,一边把蛋花慢慢倒到锅里即可。


1 bowl black fungus (double-sided are in black)
1 chicken egg
pork/pork rib
black pepper,crushed
corn flour

1. Immerse black fungus in water until it expends. Remove the harden part and clean it.
2. Stir egg and add a little bit of salt.
3. Cut pork into slices and marinate with salt, pepper and corn flour. For pork rib, marinate with salt and pepper will do.
4. Boil a pot of water, add black fungus to cook until soften. Add pork and crushed pepper. If pork rib is used, simmer pork rib in boiling water until soften, then only add black fungus to cook until soften.
5. Add salt to add flavor.
6. Pour egg in the pot while stiring the boiling soup.

酿香菇 *Stuffed Pork in Mushroom

五香粉...... 1/2 茶匙
马蹄.......... 3-4 粒
红萝卜...... 1/2 条
香菇.......... 8 朵
虾.............. 12-15 只
猪肉碎...... 适量
蜀粉.......... 1/2 茶匙
绍兴酒...... 1/2 汤匙
酱油.......... 适量

1. 香菇去脚。用热水烫软后,洗净。
2. 虾去壳,虾肉切碎。
3. 红萝卜和马蹄切成粒。

1. 猪肉腌五香粉、酱油和蜀粉。
2. 把猪肉、虾肉、红萝卜和马蹄搅好,然后塞入香菇。把料塞入香菇前,洒少量的蜀粉在香菇背面,才把料类塞入香菇背面。
3. 把准备好的酿香菇摆在蒸盘上。在盘里加一点水,再加上一点点的酱油,然后拿去蒸10~15分钟。
4. 蒸好后,再加上绍兴酒即可。


1/2 teasp five spices powder
3-4 water chestnuts
1/2 carrot
8 Chinese mushroom
12-15 shelless prawns
1/2 teasp corn flour
1/2 tbsp rice wine
soy sauce

1. Remove steam from mushrooms. Immerse in hot water until mushroom is soften, then clean it.
2. Chop prawns.
3. Cut water chestnuts and carrot into dice.

1. Marinate pork with five spices powder, soy sauce and corn flour.
2. Mix pork, prawn, carrot and water chestnut evenly. Sprinkle some corn flour on mushroom and stuff the ingredients in mushroom.
3. Place stuffed mushroom on plate and add a little bit of water and soy sauce in plate, bring to steam for about 10-15 minutes.
4. Add rice wine in mushrooms before served.