姜........... 1 小块
蒜米....... 1 汤匙
苏梅酱... 1 汤匙
番茄....... 1 粒
清水....... 少许
青葱....... 1 小棵
白糖....... 1/2 茶匙
鱼肉....... 2 大片
盐........... 适量
胡椒粉... 适量
1. 鱼片切块,腌上盐和胡椒粉。
2. 姜弄成姜容。
3. 番茄切片。
4. 青葱切粒。
1. 热油后,先爆香姜容,再爆香蒜米,然后捞起备用。
2. 把鱼片放在盘中,再把番茄片摆在鱼片的四周。
3. 把爆香了的姜容和蒜米洒在鱼片上,再放上青葱。
4. 然后把搅均匀了的苏梅酱和白糖加上一些清水,淋在鱼片上。
5. 大火蒸15分钟即可。
ginger, minced or chopped finely
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 tbsp plum saurce
1 tomato
1 spring onion
1/2 teasp sugar
2 fish fillet
1. Cut fish fillet into smaller pieces, marinate with salt and pepper.
2. Cut tomato into slices.
3. Chop spring onion.
1. Heat the wok, stir fried ginger first, then garlic until it colored. Left up from wok and ready for use.
2. Place fish fillet in the middle of the plate. Place tomato around the fillet.
3. Sprinkle fried garlic,ginger and spring onion on top of fillet.
4. Mix plum saurce, sugar and a little bit of water. Stir until its evenly mix, then pour on the fillet.
5. Bring to steamer to steam with medium-high heat for 15 minutes will do.
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