Best served with garlic-chilli and vege.
排骨............... 1 大腕
瘦肉............... 1 大腕
蒜头............... 2 粒(不用去皮也可以)
当归片........... 4-5 片
八角............... 2-3 粒
玉竹............... 1/2 碗
蚝油............... 2 汤匙
酱油............... 2 汤匙
晒油............... 1 汤匙
胡椒粉........... 适量
A1肉骨茶..... 1 包(里都有两包,用一包就好)
清水............... 大量
盐................... 适量
白菜............... 适量
豆干............... 适量
金针菇........... 1 包
1. 先用热水烫排骨,把骨髓烫熟,这样才不会把汤弄到有骨髓渣。
2. 瘦肉切粒,腌盐及胡椒粉。
3. 当归、蒜头、玉竹和八角洗净,备用。
4. 白菜洗净后切段,豆干切条状,金针菇去脚、浸水。全备用。
1. 煮开水,开水滚后加入排骨、瘦肉、当归、玉竹、蒜头、八角和A1肉骨茶包。从大火转至中火,煮至排骨肉和瘦肉软化为止。
2. 加入蚝油、酱油、晒油调味及调汤色。
3. 上锅前熄火,然后加豆干、包菜和金针菇入锅,上盖焖一焖熟就行了。
4. 加入少量胡椒粉即可。
1 bowl pork ribs
1 bowl pork tendeloin
2 whole garlic (can cook with or without skin)
4-5 slices Chinese herbs Dong Gui
2-3 3 star anise
1/2 bowl Chinese herbs Yuzhu
2 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp caremel sauce/dark soy sauce
1 small bag A1 Bak Kut Teh
Chinese cabbage, cut into bite-sized
bean curd, sliced
1 packet Enoki mushroom
1. Pour hot water on pork ribs to stop bone marrow from leaking.
2. Diced pork tenderloin, marinate with pepper and salt.
3. Remove the bottom part of Enoki mushroom, immerse in cold water for use.
1. Boil water, add pork ribs, pork tenderloin, Dong Gui, Yuzhu, garlic, 3 star anise and A1 Bak Kut Teh herbal bag to cook until pork is soften.
2. Add oyster sauce, soy sauce and caremel sauce/dark soy sauce for flavor.
3. Off the gas, add bean curd, Chinese cabbage and Enoki mushroom, then close the pot for about 3-5 minutes to make sure all the ingredients are heated and cooked.
4. Add some pepper before served.
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