猪肉(最好用枚肉)..... 1 块
炸粉(面粉、蜀粉、木薯粉都行)... 适量
胡椒粉..... 适量
盐............. 适量
泰国甜辣椒酱...... 4 汤匙
蒜米...................... 2 汤匙
1. 猪肉切片,用胡椒粉、1 汤匙的蒜米和盐腌猪肉至少30分钟。
2. 热锅,然后把一片片的猪肉沾了炸粉那去炸至金黄色。
4. 再开锅,先炒香蒜米,再倒入泰国甜辣椒酱及一点盐调味。
5. 熄火,然后把刚才炸过的肉倒到锅里和汁捞一捞即可。
pork tenderloin
flour (could also be replaced by either corn flour or tapioca flour)
4 tbsp Thai sweet chilli saurce
2 tbsp chopped garlic
1. Cut pork into slices. Marinate with 1 tbsp of garlic, pepper an salt.
2. Heat the wok with lots of cooking oil, cover marinated pork with flour and deep fried. Fried until it colored.
3. Re-heat the wok with 1 tbsp of cooking oil, stir garlic until it color. Add in Thai sweet chilli saurce and a bit of salt for flavour.
4. Off the gas, pour fried pork into the saurce and stir until even. Ready to serve.
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