茄子...... 1/2 条
灯笼椒.. 1/4 粒
江鱼仔.. 1/2 碗
麻油...... 1 汤匙
食油...... 适量
盐.......... 适量
蚝油...... 1 汤匙
清水...... 适量
1. 茄子去皮,茄肉切条状、腌盐。
2. 灯笼椒也切条状。
1. 江鱼仔洗干净后,热油然后爆香至金黄色。
2. 再下少些油炸茄子。油一定要热,炸至茄子软化后即可。茄子从油锅里捞起备用。
3. 同样的把灯笼椒稍微用少油炒过一下。灯笼椒从油锅里捞起备用。
4. 再次热锅,加入蚝油、稍许清水和麻油,把炸过的灯笼椒倒入锅内翻两翻,然后把灯笼椒及汁淋在炸过的茄子上,再把刚炸过的江鱼仔洒在上面即可。
1/2 aubergine
1/4 capsicum
1/2 bowl anchovis
1 tbsp sesame oil
cooking oil
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1. Skinned aubergine, cut into long slinder-shaped, marinate with salt.
2. Cut capsicum into long slinder-shaped.
1. Deep fried anchovis until it turns gold in color.
2. Heat the wok again with a little bit of cooking oil, fried aubergine until soften.
3. Heat the wok again with a little bit of oil, stir capsicum with medium-high heat for 1 minute.
4. Heat the wok again with oyster sauce, water and sesame oil. Stir until even. Add capsicum to stir for 2 minutes, then pour capsicum and gravy on aubergine. Sprinkle fried anchovis on top before served.
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