五花肉...... 1 碗(切片)
辣椒干...... 5-6 条(去籽)
梅香咸鱼.. 1 片
大葱.......... 1 粒(切片)
蚝油.......... 1 汤匙
晒油.......... 1 汤匙
姜.............. 1 块(切薄片)
蒜米.......... 1 汤匙
食油.......... 适量
粟粉.......... 1/2 茶匙
糖.............. 少许
胡椒粉...... 适量
盐巴.......... 少许
1. 猪肉片腌胡椒粉、少量的盐巴和粟粉。
2. 油热后先炸咸鱼。炸后,捞起待用。
3. 用来炸咸鱼的热油留少许,先爆香蒜米,再爆姜片,然后爆辣椒干。
4. 把猪肉倒入锅中和其他材料一起炒。
5. 炒至猪肉熟后,先加大葱再加蚝油和晒油。把刚煎过的咸鱼也加入一起炒。
6. 依个人口味可再加以调味(糖或盐)。
1 bowl sliced pork belly
5-6 seedless dried chilli
1 piece salted mackarel fish in oil
1 onion, cut quaterly
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp caremel sauce/dark soy sauce
1 palm-sized ginger, cut into thin slices
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
cooking oil
1/2 teasp corn flour
1. Marinate pork with pepper, a little bit of salt and corn flour.
2. Heat the oil and fried salted fish until cooked. Keep for use later.
3. Leave 2 tbsp of oil from (2), stir garlic, then follow by ginger and dried chilli.
4. Add pork belly to stir until cooked.
5. Add onion, oyster sauce and caremel sauce/dark soy sauce. Also add fried salted fish. Crush fried salted fish into smaller pieces and stir until it is evenly mixed with pork.
6. You could add more salt and some sugar to add flavour.
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