Monday, 24 December 2007

保卫儿烤鸡腿 *Grill Chicken Tight with Bovril



全鸡腿....... 3 支
九层塔叶... 2 大汤匙
麻油........... 1 大汤匙
保卫儿....... 越多越好
蒜米........... 2 汤匙

1. 先把鸡腿洗净后,在鸡腿上用刀轻轻的割几个痕。
2. 然后腌上蒜米、保卫儿、麻油再撒上九层塔叶。腌两个钟或以上。
3. 先弄热烤炉,大概7 号热(220 摄氏)。5 分钟后把鸡腿那进去烤,烤大概20分钟就熄火。先不要把鸡腿拿出来,烤炉还热,让鸡腿再继续烤下去5-8分钟即可。


3 whole chicken tights
2 tbsp dried chopped basil
1 tbsp sesame oil
bovril (as much as possible)
2 tbsp chopped garlic

1. After cleaning chicken tights, cut a few lines on the chicken.
2. Marinate chicken tights with garlic, bovril, sesame oil and sprinkle dried chopped basil on top. It will be best to marinate chicken tights for at least 2 hours or more.
3. Pr-heat the oven (around 220 degree celsius) for about 5 minutes. Put marinated chicken on tray and bring to grill for 20 minutes. Switch off the and leave the chicken in oven for another 5-8 minutes.

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