猪肉碎...... 200g
云屯皮...... 1 包
白菜.......... 3-4 片
蒜米.......... 1 汤匙
小葱.......... 6-7 颗
鸡精块...... 1/2 块
玉蜀黍粉.. 1/2 茶匙
盐.............. 适量
胡椒粉...... 适量
清水.......... 适量
1. 小葱切薄片,然后那去炸成炸葱。
2. 白菜切块。
1. 猪肉碎腌上胡椒粉、蒜米、炸葱、盐和蜀粉,然后调匀。
2. 用云屯皮把调好味的猪肉一粒粒的包扎起来。
3. 煮开水,先把鸡精块放到开水里。谁滚了,再把云屯一粒粒的放到开水中。把全部云屯放进滚水中煮后,转中-小火。
4. 熟了的云屯会浮在水面上。云屯一浮起来后,立刻把白菜放到锅里煮1-2分钟。
5. 加盐调味。可以在汤里加上一些切碎的葱菜或炸葱即可。
200g minced pork
1 pack dumpling pastry
3-4 leafs Chinese cabbage
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
6-7 shaallots
1/2 chicken cube
1/2 teasp corn flour
1. Skinned and cut shallots into slices. Deep fried shallot until it turns to be brownish in color.
2. Cut Chinese cabbage into bite-sized.
1. Marinate minced pork with pepper, garlic, fried shallot, salt and corn flour. Mix until even.
2. Put some pork into dumpling pastry and press dumpling pastry to make sure pork won't be loosen from the dumpling pastry while cook.
3. Boil water, add chicken cube into the boiling water. Put dumpling into the boiling water one by one. Turn to medium-low heat.
4. Once dumpling is floating on the surface of the soup, it means it is cooked. Quickly add Chinese cabbage to cook for another 1-2 minutes until Chinese cabbage is soften.
5. Add salt for flavor before serve. You may add some finely cut raw spring onion and fried shallot into the soup to make it more tasty.
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