五花肉...... 2 条
桂皮.......... 1 支大概3寸长的 (如果使用粉状的就用1 汤匙)
五香粉...... 1 茶匙
八角.......... 3-4 粒
蜜糖.......... 2 汤匙
蒜头.......... 1 大粒 (拨开一瓣瓣)
蚝油.......... 1 汤匙
酱油.......... 1 汤匙
麻油.......... 1 汤匙
黑酱油...... 1 汤匙
水.............. 1 碗
鸡精粉...... 适量
食油.......... 适量
1. 热锅后,加入1 汤匙的油。先炒香蒜头、八角、桂皮和五香粉爆炒一下。
2. 加水、蚝油、黑酱油、麻油、酱油和少许鸡精粉。稍微炒允后,加入五花肉条,然后开中火慢慢的把猪肉煮熟。最好可以不时的反动一下五花肉,这样猪肉的双面才会沾到香料。
3. 当水份收汁后,转小火。一手加入蜜糖,一手要不停的反动猪肉,这样蜜糖才不会烧焦粘锅底。
4. 取出等稍微冷却后,开始切片。可以把锅底剩下的汤汁淋在猪肉片上。
2 slices pork belly
1 3inches long cinnamon/ 1 tbsp cinnamon powder
1 teasp Chinese 5 spices powder
3-4 star anise
2 tbsp honey
1 whole garlic, separate into cloves
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp caramel sauce/dark soy sauce
1 small bowl water
chicken stock
cooking oil
1. Heat the wok with 1 tbsp of cooking oil, stir star anise, cinnamon, Chinese 5 spices powder and garlic for about 2 minutes.
2. Add water, oyster sauce, caramel sauce/dark soy sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil and a little bit of chicken stock. Stir until everything is evenly mixed, then add pork belly to cook with medium heat. Keep stiring the pork in every 5-8 minutes to make sure both sides of pork belly are immersed in the gravy.
3. Once gravy is reducing to 70-80% (or thickening), switch to medium-low heat. Add honey and keep on stiring to avoid honey from sticking on the wok.
4. Slice pork belly into thin-slices and pour all the left-over gravy on top before served.
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