四季豆..... 1 把
海鲜酱..... 1 汤匙
猪肉碎..... 适量
蒜米......... 1 汤匙
清水......... 少许
辣椒......... 1 条
胡椒粉..... 适量
盐............. 适量
食油......... 适量
1. 四季豆切节,辣椒切片,猪肉腌上胡椒粉和少许的盐。
2. 热油后,先把四季豆先拿去炸。炸好后捞起待用。
4. 猪肉炒熟了,加入辣椒一起炒。再加上海鲜酱。
5. 加入炸过的四季豆一起翻两番至匀即可。可以加入少许的水让四季豆吸收会更好吃。
French beans
1 tbsp sweet Hoisin sauce
minced pork
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 chilli
salt cooking oil
1. Cut French beans into 4 inches long, cut chilli into thin slices and marinate minced pork with pepper and a little bit of salt.
2. Heat the wok with lots of cooking oil, deep fried French beans until soften. Left it from oil and ready for use
3. Heat the wok again with 2 tbsp of cooking oil, stir fried garlic until it colored. Add pork to stir fried until it is cooked.
4. Add chilli to stir fried for another 2 minutes. Pour sweet Hoisin sauce to stir fried together.
5. Add fried French beans to stir with all the ingredients. You could add a little bit of water to make some gravy. French beans will taste even better after absorbing the gravy.
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