全鸡胸...... 1 片(切柳片)
炸粉.......... 适量
美奈兹酱.. 4 汤匙
番茄酱...... 1 汤匙
红萝卜...... 1/2 枝(切粒)
青葱.......... 1 条(切粒)
蒜米.......... 1 汤匙
糖.............. 1/2 汤匙
清水.......... 少许
胡椒粉...... 适量
盐.............. 适量
食油.......... 适量
1. 鸡胸腌胡椒粉和盐,然后沾上炸粉,炸至金黄色为此。把炸好了的鸡柳片捞起备用。
2. 把多余的油捞起,留一点就好。再热锅,爆香蒜米,先炒萝卜,再加入美奈兹酱和番茄酱,加少许清水,加糖。
3. 把炸好了的鸡柳片放到锅里和奶油翻一翻即可。
4. 上菜前洒上青葱。
1 whole chicken breast (cut into stripes)
tempura powder (flour or tapioca flour)
4 tbsp mayonnaise saurce
1 tbsp tomato saurce/ ketchup
1/2 carrot, diced
1 spring onion, chopped
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
1/2 tbsp sugar
cooking oil
1. Marinate chicken with pepper and salt. Cover chicken with tempura and deep fried until it turns to be golden in color. Ready for use.
2. Heat the wok again with 2 tbsp of oil, stir fried garlic until colored, then add carrot to stir until it is cooked. Add mayonnaise, tomato saurce/ ketchup, a bit of water and sugar to stir until evenly mix.
3. Put (1) into (2) to stir until (1) is fully covered with (2).
4. Sprinkle some chopped spring onion before serve.
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