鱼.......... 1 条
姜.......... 1 块(切丝)
豆辨酱.. 1 汤匙
蒜米...... 1 汤匙
糖.......... 适量
清水...... 少许
食油...... 适量
1. 鱼腌上少许盐。先把鱼煎了,捞起待用。
2. 把多余的油捞起,留少许爆香姜丝,再爆香蒜米。
3. 加入豆辨酱,糖和清水,煮匀。
4. 把鱼浸在(3)煮一会儿即可。
1 fish
ginger, shreded
1 tbsp salted minced soy bean saurce
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
cooking oil
1. Marinate fish with some salt. Heat the wok with oil and fried the fish until cook. Fish is ready for use.
2. Heat the wok again with 2 tbsp of oil. Stir fried ginger and garlic until both are colored.
3. Add salted soy bean saurce, sugar and water. Stir until everything is evenly mixed.
4. Put fried fish into (3) to cook with medium-low heat for a while. Lift to serve.
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