鸡翅膀...... 7-8 支(切成两载)
鱿鱼露...... 1 汤匙
蒜米.......... 3 汤匙
芝麻.......... 4 汤匙
蜜糖.......... 1 大汤匙
酸梅酱...... 2 大汤匙
面粉/炸粉/木薯粉..... 适量
食油.......... 大量
1. 用蒜米和鱿鱼露腌鸡翅膀,最好能腌过夜。
2. 第二天,用干的热锅炒香芝麻备用。
3. 先热油,鸡翅膀未放入热油之前,先沾上粉(干沾)。
4. 把鸡翅膀炸至金黄色,捞起备用。
5. 留一些油在锅底,加入酸梅酱、少量鱿鱼露和蜜糖。
6. 酱汁调均匀后,熄火。把鸡翅膀倒到锅里一直翻炒,翻至每一支鸡翅膀都沾上了酸梅蜜汁,再撒上芝麻即可。
7-8 whole chicken wings, cut into half
1 tbsp squid sauce
3 tbsp finely chopped garlic
4 tbsp sesame seeds
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp plum sauce
tempura powder/flour/tapioca flour
cooking oil
1. Marinate chicken wing over night with garlic and squid sauce.
2. On the second day, heat the wok without oil, stir fried sesame seed until it turns a bit brownish.
3. Heat the wok with lots of cooking oil, coated chicken wing with tempura powder/flour.
4. Deep fried chicken wing until it turns gold in color.
5. Heat the wok again with 1 tbsp of cooking oil, add plum sauce, a little bit of squid sauce and honey. Stir until even.
6. Off the gas, add fried chicken wing to wok and stir in (5). Sprinkle sesame seeds on done chicken wing.
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