
猪肉........... 1 大块
红萝卜....... 1/4 条
灯笼辣椒... 1/2 粒
茄汁........... 2-3 汤匙
蚝油........... 1 汤匙
蒜米........... 2 汤匙
糖............... 1/2 汤匙
清水........... 少许
食油........... 大量
胡椒粉....... 适量
盐............... 适量
玉蜀黍粉... 适量
1. 猪肉切片后,腌胡椒粉、盐、一汤匙蒜米和蜀粉,腌30分钟。
2. 把灯笼椒及红萝卜切粒,然后拿去热水里煮至熟,然后捞起。别忘了在滚水中加入一点点的盐,糖和食油。
3. 热油,把猪肉炸金黄色即可捞起来了。
4. 再开锅,热油后爆蒜米,先加入番茄酱,后加入蚝油,再加一点点的清水。
5. 入糖,熄火,再把炸过的猪肉和烫过的蔬菜放到汁里一起翻。均匀即可。
pork (tenderloin is preferable), sliced
1/4 carrot, diced
1/2 capsicum, diced
2-3 tbsp tomato saurce/ketcap
1 tbsp oyster saurce
2 tbsp garlic, finely chopped
1/2 sugar
cooking oil
corn flour
1. Marinate pork with 1 tbsp of garlic, pepper, salt and corn flour for at least 30 minutes.
2. Boil water, add in a spoon of cooking oil, some sugar and some salt. Cook capsicum and carrot in the boiling water for about 5 minutes. Drain capsicum and carrot and place a side for use.
3. Heat the wok, deep fried pork until it turns to be golden in color.
4. Heat the wok again with 1 tbsp of cooking oil, stir fried garlic, then follow by ketcap and oyster saurce. Also add in a little bit of water.
5. Add sugar, stir until it's even. Off the gas, put fried pork in the wok, quicly stir to mix with the saurce. Ready to serve.
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